Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Poll

So, I'm not a Republican anymore (if I ever was)... and I'm not a RINO anymore (if I ever was). Now, armed with that information- do you think I should change the name of my blog, or simply start a new one?


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last Weekend

Does anyone read this blog anymore? I wouldn't, if I were you, because it's been a big old bitch trying to update as I'd like. I cannot, will not, blog at work- no matter how innocent it is. If you are reading this, then bless you. And I hope to improve as time goes on.

And now for last week's wrap-up:

Friday- After work, went to Baltimore to see CT who was home for a quick shoulder-related visit. Had a great time... stayed up v. late hanging out with CT & friends, had to sleep at CT's b/c I was too drunk to drive home and conveniently passed out on his bed. My favorite part, you ask? Leaving at 7am (with requisite pounding headache) to stagger to my car, only to see CT's dad on the way out. D'oh. He knows his son and I are just friends, but I don't like reminding him that I may/may not be a slut. Super.

Saturday- Moaned, whined, and complained about how sick I felt. Attempted to register my car in DC. Had car FAIL DC inspection. SWEET. Then, at 5pm, CN and I baby-sit 4 kids under the age of 3 for a wedding. We were both v. hung-over. This lasted until 1am. I then had to pack my bag and drive back to Baltimore for...

... SUNDAY! The baptism of baby J- my godson (stop laughing: I could be responsible if I wanted). That started at 9am, so I had to leave DC at 6am b/c I was too tired to drive home the night before, as planned. The baptism was great and all, but it was then I first started to feel sick. Not fun. I then hung out with some friends, had coffee with BD & MS, and then went back over to play with the little one until it was time for bed.

MONDAY: I really felt sick when I woke up. missed my train and had to pay for the more expensive AMTRAK as opposed to the MARC. Not cool. Was mildly late to work and really started feeling sick... when I came home from work- I went directly to bed. I forgot to notice that my cable wasn't working (week 2).

TUESDAY: BIG press conference on the federal abortion ban in south dakota hosted by NARAL Pro-Choice America. Also- it was "CIANA Tuesday," as we liked to call it- and the House, unfortunately, passed the so-called "Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act" (CIANA)- not cool. So it was a big, long, busy day... I went home, and went directly to bed.

Which brings me to today. Feeling more and more like crap as the hours tick by... all I want to do is sleep. It's time for my cold (and accompanying crappy mood) to be over.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

So Much To Say

Playing catch-up is what I do best. And, in order for me to write new posts about new and interesting things, I need to get a few things out of my system so I can properly move on, ya dig?

  1. New job, new apartment, new(ish) city...Saw my kick ass friend from New England/New York City (depending on the week).Happy Hour? After work? Which ends by 6? Life is, as they say, good.
  2. Birthday day dinner for Une Petite: sangria BAD, tapas GOOD. Continued Birthday Celebration at Brewer's Art and Dionysus: good times. Subsequent tummy-troubles: not good times.
  3. Continuing binge with Saturday Night Smack down, DC style, v. good time. Porters to celebrate the birth of a co-worker, Baltimore & DC friends, and their friends, and their friends... classic DC night.
  4. Status of women's reproductive rights: D- overall. Not hot. Luckily...I have amazing co-workers. For example:


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm A Voting Machine (not really)

Ok, so, I'm so not even worthy of posting anything these days, especially given my lack of posts (um, seriously... has it really been since August 11th? sad).

But a recent bout of procrastination at work led me to finally read a DailyCandy email regarding an election day advent calendar. Being a huge fan of the traditional and, erm, christian advent calendar marking down the days until the birth of Jesus (read: hey-sus. I'm latina afterall, aren't I?), I knew I had to have one of these bad boys-->

Happy Primary Day to those friends o' mine living in Arizona, Deleware, the District, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin.

September 1, 2006
Voting Machine

’Twas the night ’fore elections and throughout the metropolis,
Many creatures were stirring, even George Stephanopoulos.
The ballots were placed by the booths with great care
In hopes that no chads would be left hanging there.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
You sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
And what to your Fox-addled eyes should appear,
But eight sleepless pundits in need of some cheer.

Now Russert! Now Froomkin!
Now, George Will and Coulter!
On Matthews! O’Reilly!
Frank Rich and Broder!

The experts were feuding ’bout this land of ours:
Elections, gerrymandering, emissions from cars.
But before Russert managed to throttle his challenger,
You pulled out a trusty Election Day Advent Calendar.

Chockful of history, trivia, and fun,
It’s a political product we can all agree on.
And though it didn’t cure the pundits’ flair for hypocrisy,
It united them all in three cheers for democracy!

Available online at
The above was 100% pilfered from dailycandy: washington, dc