Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm A Voting Machine (not really)

Ok, so, I'm so not even worthy of posting anything these days, especially given my lack of posts (um, seriously... has it really been since August 11th? sad).

But a recent bout of procrastination at work led me to finally read a DailyCandy email regarding an election day advent calendar. Being a huge fan of the traditional and, erm, christian advent calendar marking down the days until the birth of Jesus (read: hey-sus. I'm latina afterall, aren't I?), I knew I had to have one of these bad boys-->

Happy Primary Day to those friends o' mine living in Arizona, Deleware, the District, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin.

September 1, 2006
Voting Machine

’Twas the night ’fore elections and throughout the metropolis,
Many creatures were stirring, even George Stephanopoulos.
The ballots were placed by the booths with great care
In hopes that no chads would be left hanging there.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
You sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
And what to your Fox-addled eyes should appear,
But eight sleepless pundits in need of some cheer.

Now Russert! Now Froomkin!
Now, George Will and Coulter!
On Matthews! O’Reilly!
Frank Rich and Broder!

The experts were feuding ’bout this land of ours:
Elections, gerrymandering, emissions from cars.
But before Russert managed to throttle his challenger,
You pulled out a trusty Election Day Advent Calendar.

Chockful of history, trivia, and fun,
It’s a political product we can all agree on.
And though it didn’t cure the pundits’ flair for hypocrisy,
It united them all in three cheers for democracy!

Available online at electiondayadventcalendar.com.
The above was 100% pilfered from dailycandy: washington, dc


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