Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Jim Webb Almost Beats Bush Senseless"

Ok, I think I'm coming around... while not orignially a supporter or Webb, I had to vote for him (yes- I voted in VA!!) because he was not George Allen- a man with whom I have a couple of personal bones to pick. Webb and his women issues didn't really rub me the right way, but now, after reading this post in Wonkette, I'm a solid fan.

The White House invited newly elected Senate and House members to a “private reception” after the election, and George W. Bush really charmed Jim Webb. According to The Hill, Bush asked Webb how his son was doing in Iraq; Jimmy Webb Jr. is serving in the Marine Corps. Senator-elect Webb said he’d like to see his son get home safely. “I didn’t ask you that,” Bush shot back. “I asked how he’s doing.”

Sources tell The Hill that Webb was so furious he could barely keep himself from slugging Dubya in the face, but he bravely made it through the dinner without violence. Webb’s office will only say that he had a “private conversation” with Bush. There’s an even better version from the Washington Post, after the jump.The Post says Webb refused to have his picture taken with Bush and even refused to stand in the receiving line. Here’s the paper’s version of the exchange:

“How’s your boy?” Bush asked, referring to Webb’s son, a Marine serving in Iraq.

“I’d like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President,” Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.

“That’s not what I asked you,” Bush said. “How’s your boy?”

“That’s between me and my boy, Mr. President,” Webb said coldly, ending the conversation on the State Floor of the East Wing of the White House.

2007 is going to be awesome.

Really, just imagine Reagan’s secretary of the Navy and the new senator from Virginia killing the junior Bush with his own hands. Shakespeare would’ve gone crazy with this kind of material.

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Say what you want about her...

... but the Dems need to give a big ole shout out to Britney Spears for ushering out the bad and bringing in the good; thereby clearing the way for a Democrat House & Senate, y'all!!!

SNL's Amy Poehler payed homage to Brit-Brit's pending divorce this weekend... good stuff!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Wonkette's Take

Again- feeling totally unorignal at the moment, but this is 100% how it- in DC at least:

(From the Wonkette)

This was supposed to be National Hangover Day: sleeping till noon, a soothing Mexican breakfast around 3 o’clock, TV on mute, something like Mazzy Star or Thievery Corporation or Miles Davis on the stereo, quiet reading of the morning papers. Instead, it was like having to work the day after Mardi Gras.

I feel so guilty...

... blogging at work, that is. But my brain is on perma-freeze and I can't handle much more than blog-searching/writing/reading. Luckily, that's 90 percent of what is required of me.

Anyhow, as I work on recounting my week in the burbs o' Philly, I wanted to direct you to my friends at BushvChoice to summarize some of our Election Night activities.

Take it away, girls.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the Cut-and-Run, v4.0

Rumsfeld resigns.

Is this a dream?

Top Ten

Seriously you guys... I am running on fumes that I didn't even know I had. I'll update soon on my election activities and adventures (there were many and I promise- they are good), but first I wanted to post a list of TOP TEN THRILLS OF ELECTION NIGHT, courtesy of JW:
1. Spitzer kicking Faso's a**.
2. Deval Patrick kicking Healey's a**.
3. John Sweeney being kicked to the curb.
4. The gay marriage ban being voted against in Arizona.
6. Nancy Johnson going down.
7. Reconsidering WHY I would want to move to California when Ahhhnold has been elected for a second term. Dear Lord.
8. All parental notification ballots being dumped.
9. O'Malley winning for MD and proving to the GOP that Steele's tokenism couldn't make up for his idiocy.
10. Never having to hear Rick Santorum talk about "family values" from the floor of the Senate ever again!!!

I 100% agree. Did this really happen? Did it? Did it really? I'm loving life right now, no matter how exhausted I may be.