Saturday, June 24, 2006

from my friends at "Go Fug Yourself"

So funny, I wanted to make sure y'all saw it with your own eyes... all credit goes to my friends (I wish) at Go Fug Yourself.

Letter of Truth: Part Justin

Dear Justin,

I just heard a rumor that you finally broke up with that scrawy cracked-out ho and I just wanted to tell you that everything I told Matt Lauer about how my marriage is awesome and stuff is a total lie. Call me!

I made a picture of what it would be like if we got back together! Look:

Seriously, don't we look happy together? It will totally be just like this, too!

So call me! Or you can email me! It's the same email I always had. Or you can IM me if you want! IM is good! I'm still SweetCheetoKisses on AIM! Or just come by the house! Come by whenever you want! My mom will TOTALLY let you in.

Okay! I'm really excited! This is going to be great!




PS: Seriously, don't we look happy together? I can't wait!

PPS: Wear that hat!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Girl Crush

I just discovered Sarah Vowell, and I'll forever hate myself for not knowing of her genius sooner...

Ok, so a looker- she is not. But really, who is? And she's funny and smart and witty and into history... how freaking cool is that? I wish I knew her... we'd be the best of friends. We could take roadtrips- I'd drive because she doesn't have her license- and go visit morbid, yet fascinating, presidential landmarks. It would be incredible... Incredibly twisted.

Also- she has a masters in Art History. Again, hi!??! Can we be best friends?

Oh, and this is brilliant: According to Wikipedia (and my readings in Assassination Vacation):
"Vowell’s twin sister Amy gave her a hair of abolitionist guerrilla warrior John Brown or Christmas, which now decorates her wall. According to her book Assassination Vacation, she gave Amy a DVD player."- I'm loving it.

I wish I knew her when she was a contributor on NPR's This American Life. Maybe she still does? Why didn't I know? Drat. I bet JW knew...

*This latest post was brought to you courtesy of Assassinationn Vacation by one, Sarah Vowell.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tony Awards

I rather love the Tony Awards. It's like Christmas & Disneyworld all wrapped up in one for me. And I have a new crush, too... courtesy of Jersey Boys. Allow me to introduce you to John Lloyd Young:

(He's probably gay because, well, that's my life.)

Ali, PJ (my fellow Broadway Babies)-- have y'all seen Jersey Boys yet?

A New Day Has Come


I guess Mandy finally found out about Zach and me... I hope she took it well. It's a shame it took so long, because then I could have been his date for the MTV movie awards but, you know, whatever.

It's actually kinda sad because iHeart both of them, but you know... what can you do? Zach needs an older, wiser, non-actor girlfriend (or at least that's what he told me).

Mandy must have seen it coming... I mean, Zach all but told her about us in a March episode of Scrubs.

(Photo courtesy of

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I say scarf, you say...

... bandana? bib? inverted cone?

This, by the way, is what happens when Molly knits... the intent was a scarf: Notice the width at the narrowest point! I had only the best intentions in mind! What I got was some sort of creation that kept widening, and widening, and widening, and widening, and widening...


Sunday, June 04, 2006

no burritos!

(photoshopped, i know... but funny still the same)