Thursday, March 23, 2006

Believe Him

Now, for the record, I am NOT one that thinks Oprah is da bomb: in fact, she annoys me. But, I was reading a magazine, and read this snippet about a female journalist that had collected advice/wisdom from notable women. The text below caught my attention:

Oprah said TRUST YOUR GUY GUT. "When I met Oprah, I told her I'd just broken up with a guy who treated me like dirt, and she rolled her eyes, as in, why were you with him? At a later dinner with her, I told her we were back together. Oprah shook her head and said, 'The first time a guy shows you who he is, believe him.' She was right: We crashed and burned shortly after."

I bring this up now because, friends- you need to hear this. It seems like I have quite a few friends that would benefit from such advice: both men and women. I believe that this advice works both ways. Somewhere along the way, we begin to think we deserve less than the best, or that having something is better than having nothing... and that's simply not the case. No way! Excuses can only cover up so much, and in the end... we are left with what we started with. The real question is: Is that enough?

So, chin up my weary ones... and when in doubt, ask: WWOS (What would Oprah say)?


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