Tuesday, March 07, 2006

C'mon now

Ok, so I know that my face is of the round variety. And I know I have "cute little chipmunk cheeks." I'm not daft. But now, I've taken my heart shaped face and turned it into something that really resembles nothing short of a marshmallow. I'm even scaring myself. Really.

Last night was red, itchy, blotchy flaky dryness.

Today, when my mom came in my room, she said, "Open your eyes, let me take a look." To which I replied, "umm, my eyes ARE open."

I'm swollen. Swollen shut. Swollen beyond recognition- even for me. The itchiness is a worry of the past, because now... NOW I cannot even see. I have to tilt my head up and look down, simply to see what's in front of me... kind of like Betsy when she had the dog bite and stitches up her eyelid. In comparison, there isn't much to complain about... but it does mean that I need to see my dermatologist, and I hate doctors, so this won't be fun.

Ugh. Let's pray it's not avian bird flu in hive form... or a reaction to seafood (no more sushi!)... or something really serious, like a make-up allergy.

Again, a picture would speak a thousand words... but until I figure out this pesky iBook... I'm all out.


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