Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oh! Baby

If I have one more godforsaken dream about having had a baby (a boy,
if you must know), I might lose my mind (what's left of it)! I don't
know what's with the baby-mania, but it's severely distressing my
normally peaceful and blissful slumbers.

It's always the same thing:

1. Molly goes to sleep
2. Molly sees odd looking baby boy in pram
3. Molly tries to walk away from said pram, but it follows her... magically
4. Molly tries to pawn him off on friends
5. Friends laugh at Molly and tell her that having a kid is "no biggie"
6. Molly gets mad at idiotic friends and says mean, hateful things
(like "bugger off, fuckwit!")
7. Molly runs into diet coke factory (what can I say... it is always
on my mind) and cries
8. Molly's mom comes in and tells her that she doesn't like her new bangs ("Molly-- your hair is all you have!!!")
9. David Foley (yes, you) and mom walk by and mention that
baby-raising ain't no thang.
10. Molly cries some more

And then, usually, after about 8 hours of this... I wake up, with
dried tears on my cheeks (no joke)... and wait about an hour for the
uncomfortable feeling that I'm forgetting something to go away. It's
a rough cycle.

What happened to those nights of lusty dreams... or at the very least-
when I achieve world domination?



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