Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Oh! to be the Sport's Gal

This is why I heart the Sports Guy:

"Fans at Yankee Stadium even booed the great closer on his way back to the dugout, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Yankee fans are headed to hell." Bill Simmons

In other news, do not, DO NOT (I tell you), pour a glass of water onto your laptop. It disrupts day entirely.

If it weren't for Ox and her oddly timed, yet perfectly necessary email warning a bunch of us Gdubers (and one Bostonian) to back up our files, I would have been one sad, sad molly.

Also, I do not enjoy 82 degrees. Not one bit. I hate the heat, and hate that summer is pretending to arrive. Hate it.


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My Word....

MJ - Puh-leeeeese tell me you watch "PoweR Girls" on MTV! So totally reminds me of us (and by "us" I mean me, you, C-dog, and Wylegala) during the convention - and all the crap we dealt with. Crappy office with fans, old computers that don't work, major egos, events with famous people (well politically famous, not cool famous), lists not being put together correctly, places not being set-up (all the fault of the big bad you-know-who)- we all know I could go on...and on. But somehow, we survived. Anybody know how? Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to my "PoweR Girls!" I would not want to endure that misery with any one else! Miss you all tons! Hope all is well!

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's me! I'm the Bostonian! My first blog shout out... I feel so loved.

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROCK ON JENN STAN!!! I'm totally Lizzie, minus the bad dye job, orange skin, a penchance for running my SUV into a crowd of unsuspecting Hamptons c-list celebutantes, and being a size 0.


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