Monday, March 14, 2005

d. foley if you're nasty...

To whom do I owe all things sarcastic?
To whom do I credit my sass?
To whom must I thank for my dope-ass beats, my cheese, my fly threads, and my bling-bling?
To whom should I pay thanks for introducing me to the wonders of pop culture?
To whom should I genuflect (down on one knee) to (have I properly used this word) for writing me the best birthday poem EVER?
To whom need I thank for being my klepto-partner-in-crime, GDub style?

I better thank him fast, before he cut me off, li' some scissors.

David Foley, that's who. Te amo, d.Nasty, te amo.

Diet Coke Count: One Big Gulp from 7-11, ya'll
Coffee Count: 2 cups
Music: Fox News Live (sorry kids, but you should try it- it's funny)
Ebbitt's self imposed hunger strike: OVER... the dog ate breakfast (which I hand fed him, of course)


At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WORD. Nah that's more like it.

I could never cut you off li' some scizzaz. Trust.


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