Sunday, March 13, 2005

(Insert embarrassed Face Here)

I locked myself (and Ebbitt) out today. We took our normal AM walk, which was far earlier this morning because I went to bed at 10pm because I never have anything to do with my "free time." Suck.

Anyway, by the time the walk has conculded, I realize that I opted to bring my cell phone, and not my keys. Genius.

So I had to wait untnil 9:30 to call John (keeper of spare keys), to see if he would mind bringing my spares over. I didn't want to call too early on a Sunday because that's mean.

Needless to say, Ebbitt got more than his share of walking and I got partial facial paralysis due to waiting outside in cold. I'm now in a bad mood and face a day full of work I really wish I didn't have to do.

I miss friends today.

Diet Coke count: None, nada, sip, zilch, ZERO (be proud)
Cofee count: 7 cups (thereby negating my superior diet coke count)
Music: Angry Females (Fiona, Alanis, etc.)
Ebbitt's self imposed hunger strike: Day 3 (but he will eat treats, so he's not starving... yet)


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm so over this blog already. 8 postings and no shout out to the one who schooled your ass in the sass department? It's all Ebbitt, Jen, and Crickie. WTF?


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