Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Dirty Souf Ya'll

Hi Ya'll... MJ is in the dirty south... and it ain't purty. I live each day like a ball of nerves... but it's great fun. Not al ALL like the *old* job...

Actually-- I'm more nervous that I've actually had the *balls* to start showing people my blog. Granted- I never really wrote much before, but now, here I am, hoping that it will be a useful way to document my stay in Richmond and my crazy experiences...

I want you, my close friends, to be able to know what's going on in my world because I'm not really going to have a lot of time to keep in touch. And since I'm quite allergic to answering my phone, well-- this is the next best thing.

Oh god... I am such a tool kit.

I will write more later... but consider this the INAUGURAL BLOG. If it goes over well... I'll consider writing more. If not, I'll delete it forevs, and pretend I have no idea what you are talking about when you ask me about it.


Ebbitt sends his love.

Diet Coke count: 8 and counting (back up off me... it's been a hard day)


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...and WHY don't you have stock in CocaCola? You could singlehandedly manipulate stock prices by visiting your local grocer. Wait. Maybe I could be the office Diet Coke Doctor. Let's look into this.

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Jackson, first of all, I can't believe I'm about to admit this to you for obvious reasons (and of course I was going to admit it in an email to only you - as I tend to do - but then decided to "post a comment"), I have no idea what this "blog" thing is...hahahaha! What can I say, I live in my little accounting world :) And might I suggest again...that you write a book! I would seriously enjoy it! Good luck in Richmond and continue to keep us posted. Love you!


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