Monday, May 01, 2006


My dad's girlfriend/woman friend/soulmate/life partner/woman-of-the-week/etc. recently decided that they could finally get a dog. Which, I might add, my dad has wanted since the get-go. But my dad, a man's man(ish), wanted a lab or some sort of bigger dog. In fact, his only specification was not small and not white. But, this woman (read with disgust), has 4 ugly smelly Siamese cats (really read that with disgust)... so my poor dad was unable to father a dog.

NOW! Suddenly, she's decided that it's ok to get a dog. And so she adopts one. Great.

And it's small.


and it's name... is


Ummm, what?


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'm so behind.

But I just read this and I am outraged OUTRAGED on your behalf. What the hell?!? I shall now commence to tell everyone I know so that they can say nasty things about that woman. Also - was any comment made to her on this matter?

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i'm a little late in reading this, but um NO- that is 100% not cool. your dad should have vetoed that one- and renamed the dog after her! grr


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