Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"America is Addicted to Oil" (uh, duh)


TO: all those it may concern
FR: one, molly wynne jackson
RE: oh lawd, what ISN'T this memo about
DT: january 31, 2006

Good Evening All,

I'd like to interrupt your viewing of the State of the Union, or SOTU as it will here-to-after be referred, and give you a lil bit of an update on the life and times of molly j. Those who know me know that I heart politics: It's my bread and butter, rather... it WAS my bread and butter. One day, soon I hope, it will again. I'd even settle for some crust and water for now... but I digress. So here I go... Here are some thoughts I've had since, oh, we won the election (!) in November. Sorry it's been so long. But we just got internet in the Jackson household so I'm only now rejoining the world I was once a part of.

SOTU: I tried to stay away, but the addict in me couldn't stay away. So here I sit. While the audience predictably sits and stands in partisan fashion, depending on which blaspheme el Presidente decides to project, I take a fancy in those rebellious SCOTUS judges (Supreme Court of the United States) who remained seated until mention of Sandra Day O'Connor. I mean, really. Alito- you just got confirmed... stand up, and salute your Maker. Jeez.

One of my favorite highlights: Our dear Prez says, "There are fewer abortions in America than at any point in the last three decades, and the number of children born to teenage mothers has been falling for a dozen years in a row." Yes, and that's certainly because Bushie is making damn sure that he fills our courts with activist judges, and not-so-quietly chipping away at our freedom to choose what is right for us. I'm so sure that available contraception, safe sex education (read: condoms, EC, etc.) and family planning programs has had NOTHING to do with that.

I hate him.

In other news, Anderson Cooper is hot.

MY BIRTHDAY: While tradition dictates that one must age a year on their date of birth, I took matters into my own hands and postponed celebration until July 28th. At the 6 month mark, I shall be ready to partake in drinking, eating, partying, and other festive activities. But, until then, I thank those that remembered my birthday. I have the most kick-ass friends ever.

MY "LIFE": I'm still chillin' in the Merry Land (read: Maryland) taking care of disasters, sick friends and family, and the sudden onset of the 24-hour flu every three days-- all the while, simultaneously trying to figure out my own disaster, AKA my life. Ahhh, the diary of a quarter life crisis girl.

I miss my friends so much. So much. So, so, so, so much... And now... we all live, well, all over the place... so that makes it
difficult for a reunion tour. But I'm working on it. Te promeso ( I promise).

MY INNER-MOST THOUGHTS & DESIRES: I still like dark chocolate. I still like dark men, I think (it's been a while). I'm still obsessed with West Wing and am sorry to see the cancellation as well as the sudden death of John Spencer, AKA Leo McGarry (Meryl, what will we do?). I still desire Chipotle burritos on a daily basis. And one day, I'd still like to own a house. So, as you can read, things are pretty much the same with me.

I guess that's it. I'm going to go now and drown my sorrows in red wine, "Are Men Necessary", and some cheese. Don't ask.

The Little Rino

P.S. Does one still have to subscribe to the GOP to maintain RINO status... or do I need a new blog name? Just checking, as no formal "switching of party affiliations" has occurred.


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