Thursday, October 05, 2006

Suggestion #1

Wow. Don't all of you jump at the same time. Seriously. Any more blog-name suggestions, and I might have to call a moratorium on the request.

Oh wait- just kidding. I've received but one suggestion, albeit an interesting one, but it is my only suggestion. Kids- I expected better from you.

However, in honor of this one sole suggestion- I've decided to try a give it a whirl.

The suggestion was made to write a "DietCokeGirl loves Jen Moseley" post- and that I can do b/c I do, indeed, adore Jen Moseley. Who is Jen Moseley, you ask? Allow me a bit of background (thanks feministing):

Jen (it’s not short for Jennifer) Moseley, a 27-year-old Philadelphia native, works for NARAL Pro-Choice America in Washington, DC. Prior to joining NARAL Pro-Choice America in 2002, Jen worked at the National Abortion Federation. She has been involved in the Reproductive Rights movement forever, as she was lucky enough to study under the most amazing feminist icon you’ve never heard of - her mother.

When not enjoying bad horror movies (especially those involving “teenagers” and “the woods”), you can find Jen celebrating her favorite holiday: Happy Hour. Jen loves everything blue, and is always on the phone.

Aside from these magical facts (all true), she happens to be a kick-ass co-worker. I know this because sometimes, when she's feeling generous, she lets me follow her around like a lost puppy. She's cool like that. I know I already posted this once, but it bears repeating... behold, young pro-choice activists in action:

Cool, right? I think so.

She's also the newest contributor to one of my favorite blogs: feministing
Example A
Example B

Yeah. Jen rocks. And so, she suggested I let my audience (of 5? maybe 6?) know... And for the record: unless someone actually responds to my inquiry about changing the name of this blog, you're going to be introduced to the wonderful world of Jen Moseley for a good long while. So, you know, do what you gotta do.

That is all.

P.S. iHeart Jen- let's not get confused. But do I need to heart her every day? Likely not. So speak up, blogosphere!


At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks. Maybe you could call your blog I heart (blank) and write about how much and why you like your readers.

But really people, help my girl out. As someone who lives the life of jen Moseley all the time, it's not that interesting.


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