Raining in Baltimore
And now for the weekend wrap-up:
- Sushi & Snoballs... Maryland at its best
- Apartment searching is a bitch, isn't it?
- New favorite place to chow (read/drink/chill) in DC: Busboys & Poets
- Hot hot heat turns into wet wet weather... drenched & mesmerized by Common's performance at Artscape (sometimes Baltimore is the best)
- Did someone say Mojitos? I think I did, about 5-6 times...
- Best quote of the night, RP: "So, where do people go to drink when they are OVER 21?" Answer: NOT Grumpy's (Federal Hill)
- Nardin is NOT Nichols (or St. Joe's, for that
- Sunday morning, and I'm sporting a wee bit o' a headache and I'm grumpy beyond words. In fact, I'm downright delightful...
- ...Coffee & Diet Coke makes it all better
- 72 degree weather! I will sleep beautifully tonight (if/when I get to bed)
Big ups to Nardin. Raise your hands up to McButta.
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