Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the "POOF"

I work in an office that's 86% women (I arrived at this percentage as scientifically as the process was for determining that I was part of the 23% of employees-of-color at my job, but that's another discussion for another time).

As part of that 86%, I know that our bathroom can get a bit, erm, comfy. To combat said comfiness, our bathroom is equipped with an air freshener that is either on a timer or senses the need for air freshening and emits a POOF of fragrant freshness. I, personally, prefer to think that it's on a timer because the alternative is too humiliating.

Almost every time I enter the bathroom, I hear it... POOF(!)

um... what are you trying to tell me, bathroom genie?


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! It's set to POOF every 2 minutes. Which generally occurs when Im standing right in front of it. Mmm, chemical freshness.


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