Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Voterò per il Senatore Kerry?

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm Italian. When the novelty wears off, you'll be the first to know. You have my word.

Anyway... The question remains: Will I vote for Senator Kerry? I'm not sure what the answer to that question is yet. Before you get all hot and bothered, I think it's only fair to say that there is no way that I could ever vote for Bush, unless of course he decided to:

1. Keep his word on Compassionate Conservatism and approach social issues with a fair and balanced mind.

2. Acknowledge that women are indeed people too (can you believe it?).

3. Understand that the only way we can reduce the incidences and frequencies of abortions are to make them safe, legal, and rare. We can do this by promoting comprehensive sex education, providing emergency contraception over the counter, providing sufficient funds to UNFPA to aid reproductive health in over 150 countries, treating victims of rape as crime victims and providing them with access to emergency contraception, and by allowing for all women to be able to practice their right to choose.

Quite frankly, I don't see that happening anytime soon. So I will not be voting for Bush. I like the idea of a Democratic Presidential ticket with a Republican House and Republican/Democratic Senate (as it's too close to call). It keeps things checked and balanced, and you can't go wrong with that. That is what our country needs, and what will give us the strongest government. So...

Voterò per il Senatore Kerry? Non lo so...But you can make damn sure that I am going to do my research.


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