I received this email from one of my bestest friends in the whole world, whom shall remain nameless. That is because this person might not want the world to know of their Chipotle-induced diarrhea.
i <3:
light colored slightly carbonated drinks
ice cold water
all things that help my stomach feel better
obviously i had to go onto wedmd.com...which i also <3 because i can be my own doctor, and have diagnosted myself with diahrea (which i pretty much already knew) and i think that chipotle for lunch was not a great plan...so i shall eat boring foods until i feel better. if i do not feel better in 1-2 weeks we will have to see the doc again - WOW! i'm not ok...
i should (a) live in the hospital or (b) marry a doctor. that's it for now...back to interim financial statement fluctuations...yippie.
(by the way this "<3" is a heart.)
Genius, right? I needed to share. It couldn't be stopped.
Four things I'd like to share:
1. Richmond has drive through Greek food at the Richmond Greek Festival. I shall find the person that invented this and kiss them.
2. I found a gray hair in a place far, far away on my head from where I found my only OTHER gray hair... this distresses me.
3. I drank an entire bottle of Chianti in less than an hour. For a good time, call Molly.
4. Ebbitt has spent the greater part of the seventh post-meridian hour today humping my stuffed animal. Delightful to watch, when one consumes an entire bottle of wine in less than an hour.
Lest the fool-hearted be warned - Chipotle is owned by McDonald's, another stellar establishment that does wonders to one's intestines.
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