Friday, August 12, 2005


A good friend of mine recently had the following to say:
"Once you pop, you can't stop."

Granted- it comes from a Pringles commercial... but kudos to you, Pizzle Jizzle, for summing up what we are all feeling. I think that statement largely sums up life, in so many ways. I'm going to make it my new catch phrase... For instance:

Girl #1: Hey molly- why the long face.

Molly: Well, no reason really. I've just had an enormously complicated day full of unbelievably stupid people who continue to feel as though I might possibly care about their erroneous existence. Complicate that with the fact that the HQ is like a damn icebox, the phone is ringing off the hook, it's 115 degrees outside and climbing, and my two favorite interns just had their last day... and add to it the fact that I have a white hot Friday night planned of going to the grocery and walking my dog... well yeah, i'm a little long in the face.

Girl #2: Damn Girl. Once you pop, you can't stop.
I rest my case.

This should catch on in no time.


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